Area 27 is announcing a new partnership, presenting a reciprocal track agreement with APEX Motor Club, just outside of Scottsdale, AZ. More information on their facility can be found on their website: APEX MOTOR CLUB. Each year Area 27 try to provide more value to our membership with new member benefits. With this partnership, members will be given the privilege to visit and use APEX's facility each season. Let us tell you how the reciprocal will work:
  • Any Member in good standing will have the privilege of up to five (5) days usage of APEX track and facilities per calendar year
  • A fee of $250.00USD per day will be paid to APEX prior to using their track or facilities
  • APEX is obligated to determine driver eligibility in accordance to their rules and regulations set forth - very similar to Area 27’s - but they will provide at the time of booking your track day
  • APEX will enforce signing of any waiver(s) required prior to permitting you to use the track or facilities – again, same as Area 27
  • APEX will extend Member Discounts for driver development programs
For any questions or to book some track time at APEX Motor Club please contact Matt at 1-855-404-7223 or* 

*membership information must be provided